Diridawa (Hornpost.com) Thousands of people attended the recognition ceremony of the Somali law of the Jesus Community, which was made into a slogan; Jesus Somali law (Xeer Ciise) is the foundation of equality, justice and community unity.
This event was held at the main football stadium in Diridhabe.
The event was attended by officials including the Vice President of the Prosperity Party of the country, Mr. Adan Farah Ibrahim, the President of DDS, Mr. Mustafa Muhammad Omar, officials from the Federal Government of Ethiopia, the governments of Djibouti and Somalia, guests and various departments different from the community of Diridabe Autonomous Region in Ethiopia.
“I promise that the Ethiopian government and the Prosperity Party will protect this type of culture included in the register of world cultures recognized by UNESCO”, Mr. Adan Farah Ibrahim.
The President of DDS, Mr. Mustafe Muhammad Omar also congratulated the Somali community on this occasion for welcoming the Somali law of Jesus (Xeer Ciise), which he described as worthy of recognition.
Hornpost staff Reporter.